The sims complete collection gamefaqs

Good people-skills could get your picture and resume served along with the salad. No lines, though Make sure you develop your Charisma skill so when the speaking part does come, you'll be ready. You've actually got a few lines to speak You're making a name for yourself, though, directors like your ideas for mock mayhem. Keep those creative juices flowing. You just might graduate to a low-budget starring role of your own - if you survive.

Keep yourself and your gear in top-shape, or you may miss that air bag. And keep developing your active social life - not only is it fun, it's very useful. Lots of work on skills from here on out. But, the studios have noticed you and big things may be on the horizon. Keep practicing your lines and remember, it's not always what you know, but who you know that counts. You can build a bigger house now, but the killer hours assure that you're not at home as much as you'd like.

Keep developing your charisma and body skills or you'll never make it to the big screen. You're now making money for fewer hours, but you may suddenly have to leave town for a distant location shoot. You're loving all the attention. Everyone wants to be your friend - but is that always a good thing? Sometimes you long for the spontaneous creativity and audience response of Broadway Live performances, six days a week, singing, dancing in Sim City's latest musical.

Who knew it would be so physically demanding? But those cast parties are a great place to meet new friends, no? And you've never felt to creatively pumped up! They've just placed your star on the Sim City "Walk of Fame. As you're required to supply your own firearm and uniforms, it doesn't leave much in your pay envelope.

Also, you can't leave your post - which means your skills on the hot plate come in handy at meal breaks. Like a combination of boot camp and college, the experience can be physically and mentally draining.

Improve your body skill so you can graduate and get a real job. Keep yourself in top physical condition and study up on your mechanical skills so you can be considered for a shield. However, you're on regular hours with a reduction in physical demands. If you get tired of this desk job, improve those body and mechanical skills and you may be out on the street in a much more interesting job.

Vice duty can be exciting, but your squad operates mostly at night. It's important to shine here, so you can be considered for detective training. Well-rounded skills, including logic, will help hasten that promotion. Logic needs to be sharp and friends are very important. Charisma also comes into play, if suspects and informants are to help you close cases and step up the departmental ladder. As a Lieutenant, you are a Detective Squad Leader, and you need to keep those skills sharpened.

The stress of dealing with that thick, unsolved folder of Sim City crimes can do real damage to your home life. Try to emphasize "family time" and recreation at home to achieve a proper balance.

Make sure you're making friends in high places. What more can you possibly do to protect the citizens of Sim City? A new day has dawned on our most wonderful community. A day of righteous justice for all, for Captain Hero is here at last! With his massive superpowers at hand, Captain Hero fights crime on a daily basis, to the fullest extent of the law. Dexterity and physical speed are obviously important.

A certain amount of charisma is helpful, too, if you are going to charm those marks before you dip into their cents. Work on your body skill will definitely pay off. And this time, "the house" is you.

You never know when something may go wrong that requires some fast talking so keep those charisma and creativity skills sharp.

Profits increase, but this job needs inspired thinking and the power to persuade others. To succeed as a driver you'll need some strong physical skills, and a mechanic's knowledge. But you want to get in on the main action, right? Work on your skills to show the boss just how indispensable you are.

But you'd like to try your hand at some sneakier, more challenging crimes. Better brains, brawn, and buddies will move you up. Suddenly you're on the night shift. You cannot afford to let physical energy flag, or you'll botch a job. Mechanical skills are handy to keep your tools in good order and some creative problem solving will help keep you out of the slammer. Your friends are coming in very handy - more can only help. Why steal money when you and your gang can print your own?

You're getting quite a reputation and people are seeking your advice. Better practice your charisma and creativity in case you need to go national. Let's just say that you supply everything that people want that the law says they cannot have. You're bringing in and sending out goods by land, sea, and air, and earning the large profits all that implies. Your skills need to be fully honed to reach the apex of this illustrious career. You run your own mob of thieves and hijackers, and can buy any house on the block.

Your front is a respectable Sim City business, and you feel almost above the law. Taking X-rays, logging samples, preparing test results are among your duties. You'll need to avoid fatigue while allowing time for study and riding in an ambulance on the night shift.

To keep your vehicle and equipment maintained, work on your mechanical skills as much as you can. This is a physically demanding job and will require good body skill. Work on your bedside manner to get those patient referrals. Pay special care to develop your mechanical and logic skills; doctors are multi-talented. The hours are steady, though, so you're earning more.

This is a obviously stressful position, so make sure home is a comforting place. You need fun, rest, and proper meals, or you won't succeed. If you work on the proper diagnoses, and care for those tough cases, and develop a good bedside manner, your promotion to General Practitioner will come quickly.

The pay won't be high, but you'll be helping a lot of less fortunate Simcitizens through broken bones, pregnancies, and measles. You will be handling a lot yourself, but don't slack off on the skill-building - you may want a different job someday.

You've "hung up your shingle," gaining a traditional work schedule and golf game occasionally. Now you have more time to maintain a happy home and maybe happy family?

Work on your charisma if higher steps in this career seem appealing. This job demands a rested, calm individual, so watch your emotion levels, eat right, and get plenty of sleep. And, you'll need some home study time, especially in the areas of creativity and logic, to keep left brain skills sharp in the operating room.

You've now joined the ranks of the highest paid researchers in the world. If you decide to go for the top bucks, continue the skill-building path up to Chief of Hospital Staff, where you can get a cut of the profits.

You spend office hours at the hospital. You are now part owner, and are making large profits keeping your fellow Sims in good health. I don't know but I've been told, scrubbing latrines gets mighty old. Better maintain prime physical shape to advance from the trenches. Cooking and Repair skills also help you pass KP and cleanup detail to earn your stripes.

Physical skills are important, so get your body pumped up and strong. Charisma is important here, as you'll need to drill fear, loyalty, and discipline into these jar-heads. No resting on your laurels, though, as you must keep your body in top physical condition to advance. You know enough about the enemy for them to really want to kill you - so you have to stay one step ahead of them for your sake and that of your troops. Work on your mechanical skill to keep those highly sensitive machines in top working order and logic skills to interpret all the data you're downloading.

There's a pay grade advance here, but earning your wings will require additional training with a flight simulator program at the base. Mechanical skill is a must and logic is not far behind. More logic training will make you a better strategist and charisma will improve your speeches. Work on these if you want to move on to Commander.

No more dodging bullets and crawling under barbed wire. But don't get all soft and flabby because it's been whispered that you're being considered as a political candidate for astronaut. You'll have to show exceptional mechanical and body skills for that honor. Fame and fortune climb with each mission into space, and you're in the best physical shape of your life. Keep working on your skills if you want to become one of the most influential people in history.

Your day is filled with government officials requesting your wise council and a book deal for your memoirs is looking good. Is your home life as successful as your professional life? The job requires long hours managing telephone teams and volunteer groups canvassing neighborhoods for votes. Low pay, long hours. You'll need lots of Charisma to advance in Politics.

Heavy social skills and lots of friends are needed to advance in this career - you must win friends and influence people. Charisma is essential to progress in a political career. You must still maintain neighborhood relationships and domestic tranquility.

You need to cultivate your "image. Without it, your political career is sunk. But friends in the right places can sometimes be very useful. A well-paid job to be sure. The more persuasive and creative you are in pushing your own agenda through the council, the faster you will advance in the political machine. Fortunately, Sim City is the state capital, so you'll be close to home.

A lot of creative thought will be needed in meeting with state officials to be sure Sim City's local interests and protected and promoted. You'll spend your time covering your district from your local office.

Networking with neighbors and making new friends to keep political support must be balanced with keeping a contented house and family. Your peerless logical skills at reading human nature and deconstructing legal arguments will prompt your success and continuing rise in status. Cultivate friends in your spare hours. Watch mood indicators and keep alert - you're supposed to be clear-headed and impartial when the gavel comes down.

You appear regularly on political talk shows and your influence is being felt around the Capitol. With a little more speaking experience and a few more friends, you may attain the most coveted Sim position: Mayor of Sim City!

You are a master at the political game and it's obvious that you enjoy the fame as well as the excitement of shaking up the entrenched bureaucrats. It's great to be powerful, isn't it? A very physical grunt job with lousy pay - but at least you can watch the game from up close. You are also expected to keep your suit in good repair. Welcome to the "Llamas," Sim City's minor league team. Your starting pay isn't much, and you'll have a lot of training time to deal with.

Develop your body skill so you can rise through the ranks. Keep working on your body and just hope injury doesn't slow your advancement. Some money's coming in, but long practices take their toll on your mood. It's essential to get your rest and keep your body in prime shape - this is your livelihood. And since you're going to be interviewed more now, work on that charisma skill so you can get noticed. You need to be comfortable speaking in front of a camera, not just playing in front of one.

Improve your charisma and body and you'll be voted MVP in no time. There is a special need to work on relationship skills here and present a positive image. If the fans love you, that fills the stadium - and that fills your pay envelope. Meanwhile, family and mate and even your house might need attention too.

Your body works like a well-oiled machine except that it's taking longer to recover from injuries. How long can you remain "Number One? But there's an opportunity to stay with the team you love - although this time you'll be carrying a play-book. Make sure you're still networking with friends because your relationships and creativity are going to get you further than your body skill can. Thank goodness for those friends. They can help your career when you least expect it.

The team gives you an office and salary as their "goodwill ambassador. It's a way to introduce yourself to the scientific community, but it's tough to be charming after several hours in a wind tunnel.

A lot of logic-building-time at home is needed to advance. And guess what? You're on the graveyard shift. Work all night, sleep all day. However, your pay increases. Develop your charisma and logic and maybe you can actually teach about the stuff in the classroom, instead of doing it in remote, inhospitable places.

A creative approach with the kids can sometimes yield positive results, and more logic skill might aid you in getting a different job. Creative inspiration is absolutely necessary, and mechanical know-how doesn't hurt either. If you really shine here, you may be on your way to becoming an inventor. Maintaining your home relationships may be harder now - there will be little time for socializing as you create the auto-recycling newspaper.

The regents are depending on your leadership and logical thinking to invigorate the school science curriculum. This is a high-paying, well-respected position with good hours and more time at home.

But it takes a well-rounded skill set to guarantee success and promotion. The money is excellent, but you may be called to the lab at any time. Special care should be taken to stay happy and rested - a tired, cranky scientist might pose as a security risk. If exceptional creativity is demonstrated, a promotion to Theorist may be in the cards. You enjoy a higher salary-to-work hours ration then the one you had as an inventor. You must work hard to keep a high state of happiness and health, and only a successful theory can lead to the status and rewards you seek.

The question is, what experiments will you be conducting in it's cellar? In short, you'll try anything, the crazier, the better. Swim under the surface of a frozen lake, leap between rooftops with a bicycle, beat a train to a crossing, juggle a chainsaw while whistling "Dixie.

Body skills are critical here; nutrition and fatigue must be carefully monitored at home. You might invest in home gym equipment as well, to keep in the best shape possible. Hope your body skills are sufficient - to advance here, your paying riders need to have confidence in your strength. Never know when you might have some boat repairs to do, so mechanical aptitude is a plus. Strategies for winning can be helped by developing your logic skill. Since you're burning mega-calories, learning a few cooking tricks is a good idea, too.

And you'd better be in great physical shape in case you can't get out the same way you got in. Of course, the danger does yield high pay. Mechanical and creativity skills will be important - a failure in your ascent gear or strategy could be devastating. Work time is divided between taking photos and writing articles at the Sim Times newspaper office. You need to make sure you allow enough time to write without social distractions, in order to meet deadlines and collect a nice, fat fee. Maybe you should practice charisma.

Who knows when you may be called upon to narrate your photos? You need friends in the right places to secure all those permits. Hone that creative talent to get an edge in the search. It is important that you leave home in a good mood with high spirits - you'll drive your best race that way. Playing an Electronic Arts racing game on your home computer might sharpen your reflexes, too. To survive this highly lucrative business, you must keep yourself in top mental and physical condition. Spies are also irresistible - which can cause problems with your mate.

Plus, isn't contributing music to SimCitizens' commutes a community service? Longer hours, but the work is still relatively easy, though it requires a good ear and plenty of listening. The pay is a bit better, and you have to start being more creative, too, but you'll get to hob-nob with the rich and famous while they sip their champagne. You'll sleep days now, since you'll be working until the last call is made and the last patron stumbles home from the bar.

Long hours are exhausting, but you're having fun and making the right contacts. You will need plenty of body skills, but maybe something cushy will present itself soon.

Dress casual, practice often, play hard, have fun, and start to make a name for yourself. Spending time around all these recording label producers and executives is bound to pay off, if you play your cards right.

Make sure you schmooze all the right people in addition to delivering a perfect performance every day. Congrats, you're now living every teenager's dream. Sleep is a rarity, power lunches are common, shades are almost mandatory outside your own home, and people mob you for autographs almost everywhere you go.

Enjoy it! Use your fame and power to promote the causes you care most about, whether they be political, environmental, social, or intellectual. The hours are easier, the extra pay is almost inconsequential, you're so wealthy, and the Heads of State now send you engraved invitations to their fundraisers. Early morning tee times call for early work hours, but it's a terrific opportunity to schmooze with the wealthy at the local country club.

Besides, all of you friends can hang out at the store late in the evening and read all the comics while you pretend to work. Like, remember to be all hip and stuff and work on your charisma. Be sure to load up on sunscreen, too! While you'll need to boost your your Charisma to keep this cushy job, there's no easier way to get paid to listen to all your favorite music all day long. Late nights and lots of mechanical skills are needed to keep those turntables spinnin'.

Good thing you're a night owl. Seeing all the blunders those mega-stars make when filming. Making them to look good can help you to make friends, though you'll want to concentrate on making plenty of them yourself - never hurts to know the right people when you're looking to just be comfortable. Go everywhere, see everything, take gorgeous pics on someone else's dime, and look good doing it.

It's a free-and-easy way to live, but requires lots of travel, as well as the connections to finance it. Point out all the best places to newcomers, and keep your friends connected to all the great places you visited when you were a lowly photographer.

Those who learn the most from you learn to love you best, and may eventually invite you into their inner circle. Living the good life, partying and living at someone else's house, surrounded by more artificial friends than the best politicians in town. Enjoy it while you can Evening hours, lots of talk on the phone, and the chance to warn others of impending disasters in their lives is just what you're best at doing.

That suspicious warning on the phone the other night proved it too. Charm the locals and perhaps you'll be able to get to the root of all this supposedly random but you know better chaos in Sim City. Get to know your clients on a more personal level, up the aura on your personal appearance, and generally get away with being as odd as you like - everyone expects it, after all.

Contact deceased family members, friends from former lives, and even the client's long lost guinea pig to the wonder and appreciation of all around you.

This will earn you the notice of local officials, and the hours are a bit odd, but the work is definitely interesting Late nights and strange phone calls abound, but you're doing the public a great service.

Develop many friends in the science community, and make sure your personal theories get talked about in many circles, so the word gets passed along. That's where you come in. Whether it's consecrating some earth or full-scale diabolical investigation removal, your powers are not questioned Save enough souls and make enough friends and you could be the shining path to a whole "New Way" of living. And you are the messenger! Enforcing a highly regulated and disciplined lifestyle, you "deprogram" people from their selfish, materialistic ways.

Politicians, movie stars, venture capitalists, they all want a glimpse of the truth. YOUR truth. And they will pay you anything to set the "free. The hours are early, but it's a great way to get your foot in the door. Game companies send you free beta builds, and you get to play them game and company , deciding on a whim whether you'll give them good press or not.

The seedy side of reporting lets you focus more on the rich and famous, too. Those tabloids pay better for scandalous photographs than they do for the accompanying article, so live as vicariously as you like. Early mornings continue as you struggle to meet the deadlines for the morning edition, and your world is filled with more serious journalists than ever before.

Whatever the weather, you'll be the trusted source that SimCitizens look to for the forecasts. Brush up on your image so people have a respectable, trustworthy face to watch with in the morning and evening broadcasts. Keep your presentations concise, winning, and offer perfect sound bites for the national news affiliates - they'll remember you for it.

Find enough headline-worthy stories, regardless of the danger involved in procuring them, share them before any other reporter, and you could be on your way to a seat at the main news desk.

The hours are long and late, but you get to deliver news to the nation on politics, entertainment, social crises, and an assortment of crime and education issues. More SimCity households know you by name than you had ever hoped for.

Keep the arguments lively, the personalities slightly less-than-comfortable with each other, and your ratings will soar.

The Company is depending on you to make sure this code arrives on the store shelves in the cleanest possible condition, provided you don't rack up too many late-night pizza bills. The hours are more regular, but the work isn't very entertaining. Keep up on the latest technology trends, and watch out for those nifty bugs that slipped through the cracks. Keep your customers happy Expect late-night work to avoid high-traffic downtimes, and requests from literally everyone in the company for changes and additions to your fine work.

Keep your mind harp so you can infiltrate government databases and eventually hone your skills to go after international banks. Fortunately, the SimCitySoftware Company needs someone to help protect their Intellectual Properties from people with just your kinds of skills, so they'll let you out on probation if you agree to beef up their electronic security. Keep your creative and logic skills high to outsmart your former friends' assault on your new company's firewall.

Now the pressure's on for you to develop a game script that will capture the public's interest, as well. That also means you get to work nights, since that's when the engineers are at the office.

The hours are ridiculously long, the work is physically and mentally exhausting, but the payoff could be big at the end of the road. Make sure you don't overspend your VC budget in the first month, and there's a chance others may want to work for you. You can become increasingly reclusive, bulking up your home security system, and taking lots of phone calls, but the money just keeps rolling in.

These, me hotcheetohs , careers I have gotten from Unleashed. If you have this game The Sims Complete Collection , you should have no trouble getting these jobs. You can work whenever you like, no demotions or anything. Of course, your Sim has to be interested to work. You can fulfill their needs anytime during the day.

Building Gnomes- This gives you a lot of money. All you need is a workshop. The more you make, the more dough. If you have a high mechanical skill, they sell for more. Make the gnomes and sell them in buy mode by clicking on them and pressing delete. Painting- This does not make as much money. Just get an art easel and start painting. The higher your creativity skill, the more you sell. Breeding- You can always breed your pets. But, you have to keep the mother happy during the breeding period.

I will talk more about this later. Gardening- You can sell plants that you grow. I will also talk more about this later. Skills This section pertains to the skills needed to advance in career tracks.

Skills are also useful in using objects and everyday life. To study, read a book from the bookcase. To study, read a mechanical book from the bookcase.

To study, go to the mirror and practice speech. It helps when becoming a superstar. To study, swim or workout. To study, play chess. To study, paint and play the piano. Just the thought of having multiple husbands makes me happy! Here is the guide for Hot Date: 1. Downtown Downtown is where you meet local singles, or married people, if you want to be a home wrecker.

Meet people, buy gifts, or just flirt till it hurts. Anything involving dating, you can find it downtown. Just pick a spot that seems interesting. You can invite people to hang out or date. I usually choose date to see where the relationship will go. Keep in mind, you can be rejected. You can even give them a gnome that you made yourself. They make gameplay way more enjoyable. Crumplebottom- This old prune makes sure you know when and where to show affection. You must have them if you want to eat.

Waiters are assigned to podiums, cooks to stoves, and busboys to dishwashers. She is often talking to herself or dancing with her mop. She ravages through your garbage can for little scraps.

She even comes in your house if you have pets. Just request a song and he will put it on for you. They are fun if I need to see all my friends to get my relationship status up. Whatever you decide. Everyone has to do their business somewhere. The stalls are for privacy. No one will want to go to the restroom with someone they do not know. There are other forms of entertainment, but these are my personal favorites. Couches- Maybe some people want to take a break from partying.

Dance Cages- Well, some people like to party wild style. Group Activity- You need to have some sort of group activity bubble blower, campfire, volleyball, etc. Dance Floors- Make sure you have a place to dance!

Mechanical Bull- I love these. My Sim has all her skills maxed, and she loves it! Everyone cheers her on. Television- You really need this. If some Sims want to chill, they can sit and watch TV. Phone- Have a phone just in case you want to invite more people over. Relationships will increase significantly.

Party Themes- I know three party themes. I have 3 different houses for each one. I need them badly. You have to have dance floors, dance cages, DJ Booth, and Entertainers. Keep your Guests Happy- This is the most important thing about your party. The key to happiness is fun, hunger, and bladder. Theses are the top 3 things a person visiting your house needs. You must have stalls when it comes to bladder. Entertainment is pretty easy. You can buy a big cake.

In it will be strippers. Make sure everyone is there to watch. You will need some kind of assistance. There are two people you should always hire for a party. This section will tell you more about them. Of course, you can clean up by yourself, but that would be too much. Hire them immediately after the party. Of course, you may already have a maid. If you do, just go about your business.

He will refill the table all night long until it is Sometimes, he will talk to your guests. Be sure to make him get back to work if this happens. Special Guest- The special guest is……………………………… Drew Carey! He only stops by the hottest parties. When everyone sees him, they will run outside to greet him. You know your party is fly if he comes by. If you see him, congratulate yourself! You have successfully given an awesome party!

They are: 6. He mainly mingles with females. They are good entertainment. Sometimes, he has sneaky fingers. Sometimes, he goes through the costume trunk, if it is open. Make sure you keep an eye on him. He likes to talk to guests while on the job. He runs them away with his bad social skills. They love to break stuff.

Even though this is not in the Table of Contents, I would like to add this. Without him, I would never have thrown an awesome party. Here is his guide. Again, I made no changes, except for spelling and organization. No words have been left out, added, or changed. All of this is his, not mine. Feel free to take a look at it on GameFAQs. There may be more; there may not. When a story is being told, there is a 1 in 10 chance the Ghost will appear and haunt your Sims. The haunting lasts until the fire burns out.

He will fill your Punch Bowls and Buffet Tables, and re-fill them when they get low. Although you can direct your Sims to perform aforementioned tasks, the Caterer does a better job, and you may forget to tell your Sim to re-fill due to the fun you're having. The Caterer will work until pm, then he will empty the punch bowls and buffet tables, and leave so he can get his "beauty sleep". He will occasionally go to your Costume Trunk if you have it and it's opened , look at the clothes, and make a rude remark.

If he is no longer needed before , you can "Dismiss" him, and being the gentlemen that he is, he will clean up before he leaves. If he's mingling with your guests, direct one of your Sims to perform the action "Back To Work". They will do a little dance for you, while the entire party watches.

When the dance is over, the Entertainer will stick around and party for a while. Sometimes, she may even grab a Sim, fling him backwards, and kiss him, giving him her number as well. If another Sim is in the same room and has a heart for the relationship, they will not take that kindly and either slap the Entertainer, the kissed Sim, or both.

He will mingle with your guests, perform stupid mime tricks, and steal things. The first two, even though your party is bad to have attracted him, have a positive effect, and will slowly raise the party mood.

If you ask him to leave, he won't. The guests need to be entertained before he will leave. The crasher is either male or female, and the female crasher looks like a frickin' Goth zombie.

Anywho, the party crashers add to your overall mood. They will participate in the campfire, bubble blowing, dancing, etc. If the party starts sinking while the crasher is there, they may break things, such as a dishwasher, your DJ table, TV, etc. You can ask the crasher to leave whenever you like, but expect a nasty remark about it.

Who is this secret celebrity? Here's a few hints for you: a he's fat not really fat, but he ain't skinny b wears dorky black glasses c has two TV shows a comedy and hosts a comedy improvisation show d has friends named Kate, Lewis, and Oswald e hates his boss' secretary who dress wild and wears inhuman amounts of makeup Any idea yet?

Where have you been living??? Drum roll please Drew Carey! That's right folks! Old Drew himself will show up at your door when your party is the talk of the town. He will stand outside your door for one hour, while all your Sims flock to him with pictures of Drew in their thought bubbles. If your party continues to escalate for one hour Sim-time, Drew will phone up his agent and tell him to take off, as he has a night of wild partying to do.

Drew will come to your house, dance, eat, and do all other group activities. He will stay for a maximum of four hours, and for most of that time, your Sims are thinking nothing but Drew.

When Drew shows up, you know you can throw a good bash. Build a house like you would in The Sims or Livin' Large, but for House Party, take care when designing the party area.

Make sure your guests have access to other forms of entertainment, such as a pool table or television, preferably within the same room.

Create a kitchen with dining tables and chairs, and be sure to have one or two Buffet Tables more depending on how many people you want and a punch bowl or two. Make sure there is plenty of bathrooms, as your guest Sims may not like each other enough to use the bathroom while someone else is in it. Without the proper bathroom set up, your party can go sour fast.

Build two tile bathrooms, with nothing but a toilet, and designate these as bathrooms with the two new doors Men and Women. Your Sims will obey the door signs, and will not enter a bathroom of the opposite sex. Make sure all these rooms are connected together somehow, so your Sims have less travel time, which keeps them happier, and possibly keep the party running later. NOTE: If your party goes past pm same time when the Caterer leaves , the police will show up at your door explaining that neighbors have complained about the noise doubtful since they're probably at your house right now.

If more then five people not including the resident Sims are still in the house when am rolls around, the cop will show up again and fine you. Five random guests from the neighborhood will show.

Although some may ring the doorbell, don't greet them; they will walk in within the hour. Five new random guests will come. After each hour, choose the same option, as new Sims are brought when the hour passes. Unless, of course, you don't care about the fine, in which case let your guests stay. After pm - Your house is a mess. Phone the Maid if you don't already have one , use the bathroom, take care of any other red motives, then go to bed, dreaming of your next party. The game bases your party mood on the overall mood of all the guests in the house, including the resident guests.

The position of the antlers gives you a rough idea of how the party is. The higher the antlers, the better the mood. When 90 minutes game time have passed, the engine decides whether or not to send the Mime to your house.

If your party score is 20 or less there is no in-game way to determine the numerical value of your party the game will send the Mime.

As soon as your party is above 20, the game will tell the Mime to leave. When minutes game time have passed, the engine decides whether a party crasher will make an appearance. If your score is 40 or higher, a crasher may show sex of crasher is random. If your score drops below 40, the crasher will leave on his own. When a party is going on, the game will drop the Fun factor of each Sim by two points every five minutes, in addition to the regular drop.

When there is less then five Sims in the house, the game says to itself "Okay, the party is over, so I'll stop tracking. The game refreshes your score every 20 game minutes, which is how it tells whether to send an NPC or not. The game adds two mood points per guest, so the more Sims you have, the harder it is to keep your party score going up, as an unhappy Sim can seriously deter the party score.

However, having more guests who are happy increases your party score. Use the motives of your Sims to determine the needs of the guests. If one of your Sims is hungry, then there's a good chance some or all of the guests are. Getting low on Comfort? Sit down, watch TV and invite someone to join you, as they are getting tired too. Need some fun? Play pool go in the hot tub, and invite the guests to join, because they most likely need some fun too.

What's wrong? A: You do not have a Buffet Table or a Punch Bowl, or you have them, but they are positioned so that no one can access them. Flip the items around and wait one Sim-hour. The reason you can't dismiss him is because he's not activated yet, since he has nothing to work on.

Your Sim will have the option to "Dismiss", but as soon as you select it, it disappears from your action queue. This is also a bug, which you can find below. Please read the FAQ above for the common solution. However, this is also a bug, and if the solution presented in the FAQ section doesn't work, you have to exit to the neighborhood screen without saving , then reload your house.

They are: 2. He does everything. You can find more info in the death section of this FAQ. For every 2 good wishes, there are 3 bad ones. He basically makes you mad. They destroy everything. The only thing they like is painting. If you get a purple potion, sell the chemistry set back. If you decide to drink it instead, go in buy mode and fill a room with art easels. They will paint until the potion wears off.

They cannot be seen. They are the exact opposite of your Sim. This raises the mood of three random needs. You should make the personality of your Sim all 0. Read more in NPCs. Can only be made when you have a disease. I had to put so much into making this part. It is my 2nd favorite expansion. I love making so many spells and charms. Charms are created by mixing ingredients in the EverAfter Crafter. Charges refer to the number of times your Sim may use a specific Charm or Spell.

Their charm-creating ability is moderated by their mechanical skill. Spells are used on other people. Charms are used on the caster of the charm. Dueling- Duels happen in 4 rounds where the Sims participating throw spells at each other.

Every spell beats two spells and loses to two spells. The Sim with the most powerful spell, wins that round. The person who wins earns MagiCoins. You also earn MagiCoins for participating in duels. If two Sims cast the same spell, in the same round, the spells cancel each other out, and neither Sim wins the round. Once a spell is cast, it cannot be used again in the same duel.

If the toad is kissed, it can give toad sweat. Backfires: Can turn the caster into a spell. Can only happen if the victim has a wand of their own. Duration: Temporary 2. Backfires: Caster becomes naked and relationship goes down. Happens only if Sim casted on is in a bad mood. A family member will disappear, but will come back after a while Backfires: Caster gets banished because the Sim casted on has a wand Duration: Temporary 2.

Backfires: Caster is hypnotized because Sim casted on has a wand of their own Duration: Temporary 2. Backfires: The Sim casted on will like you less and the caster will become small and transparent because Sim casted on has a wand of their own. Backfires: Dogs attacks caster and cats hide because pet casted on is in a bad mood. Duration: Permanent 3. Duration: Temporary 3. A group of Sims might also show up and eat. Backfires: Some dirty plates will appear if you use the charm when there are no dirty dishes.

Backfires: Rain and flooding of the lot because caster is in bad mood. Caster becomes transparent. Backfires: Lot will be infested with snakes if used during the day, or if caster is already a ghost. Backfires: Clone bursts in flames if caster is really hungry. Backfires: All motive will turn to red, except for room Duration: Temporary 3. Duration: Permanent 4. Duration: Temporary 4. Backfires: Objects burst up in flames Duration: Temporary 4.

Duration: Permanent 6. Recipes- Just some recipes. Contributed By: kingkarrot and Shadow. If you have The Sims v.

Type in ';! So, rosebud;! At any poing during the game, press Alt, C, Shift, and Control. The Cheat Box should appear in the upper-left hand corner of the screen. Enter your code, and press Enter when you are finished. Contributed By: raich and kaptainkirby. This will bring up a very odd picture. Click on ''OK'' to close the picture. To turn it off, simply replace on with off.

Go to the cheat menu and type in the code for simoleons klapaucius, or rosebud for the patched version. Press enter. Go to the cheat menu again, and fill it up with! When it's full, delete the last! Weight down the enter key with something, such as a paperweight or fork. The window will pop up to tell you that there's no such code, but it will still give you simoleons for every!

Go away, and do something else for awhile. When you return, you'll be filthy stinking rich. Be warned, though. If you do this for too long, your funds will go into the negatives.

If you don't want to pay a bill e. It'll leave you with next to nothing, or you just plain don't want to , then have a Sim pick up the bill and proceed to pay it.

But before they reach the mail box to pay it, go into Buy Mode and buy until you don't have enough to cover the bill e. Then go back to Live Mode. The Sim will go to the mail box and pay the bill, but you won't have lost any money.

Then just go back into Buy Mode and sell back what you just bought. Being the same day, you'll get all your money back. Now, save the game, and when that's done, any time you want to regenerate happy fully-green-bar sims, pause the game, select them and delete them. Now press play, and click on thier heads, and they should pop up somewhere, with all of thier bars fully green.

If you do not save the game, they will appear again as if you restarted the game, and thier skills will be lost!! When in Create-A-Sim mode, create a child with no personality points and name them something like 'M'. Now edit the child Sim you just made and turn them into an adult, re-name them anything you like and make them look anyway you want them to.

You can also give them personality points now. Create the family and once you move them into a lot, look at their skills. You'll see they'll have a bunch of random skill points you'd normally have to work for. To empty trash cans without having a maid or manually emptying it, just sell it and buy a new one. This won't cost you any money, since the value of a used trash can stays the same. Okay, first of all, you are going to need a.

Start The Sims, buy a radio if you don't already have one, turn the station to rock, wait a couple of seconds and listen to your favorite tune. Note: Where it says Rock in the directory, you don't have to put it in Rock, you can put it into any other station such a Country or Latin.

To deactivate the cheat, press '1,' '2,' or '3' or select one of the three speeds. Pausing won't deactive it. This code will allow you to input the rosebud code as many times as you want without having to retype it.

To perform this type in rosebud in the cheat menu and add as many! So instead of rosebud;! Enter one of the cheats below to enable the code.

To get more neighborhoods go to your maxis folder and open the sims. Then copy one of the folders that say ''UserData'' and a number those numbers are the neighborhoods make sure the one you copy has no families or houses in it and then paste it in there and rename it to the ''UserData'' and a no.

You can have as many as you can fit in your hard drive. First, buy yourself two of the "Fancy Feet Dancer" cakes. This will NOT work unless you have more than one cake.

Now, go to the second cake and try to hire another female dancer. The game will say that you have already hired a female dancer.


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