Telecommunication tower maintenance manual

Recognizing a critical need to address the root causes of the high fatality rate in the industry, OSHA developed a Request for Information RFI to solicit information about the hazards to which telecommunication tower workers are exposed and about the best practices implemented within the industry to address those hazards. By thoroughly evaluating and integrating this information, OSHA anticipates that the potential telecommunication towers standard will provide a comprehensive framework to address the hazards identified above, thereby making the construction and maintenance of telecommunication towers safer.

Additional Telecommunication Towers Resources. Robert Mickey, A. Wireless Inc. John E. Barrett, Barrett Outdoor Communications, Inc. Jim Tracy, Legacy Telecommunications, Inc. Filing coordinates in TCNS and uploading documentation to E initiates statutorily mandated review periods and supports efficient processing. Historic properties are sites, structures, buildings, and objects that are listed on or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. For Tribal Nations, historic properties include sites and places of cultural and religious significance.

Due to the sensitive nature of these historic properties, these places are often not publicly identified. Tribal Nations have the option to provide this information to the FCC through its Federal Preservation Officer who will ensure that the information is protected throughout the Section process. The Form and Form must be completed by qualified individuals as stated on the forms. Project proponents are encouraged to complete the Form and Form using the E system as the forms are easier to complete and the system contains internal checkpoints to ensure that they are complete and accurate.

Using the E system facilitates FCC access to answer questions or address issues during the Section process. Prior to submitting, the applicant must confirm whether the specific SHPO utilizes E for Section reviews and determine their preferred submittal procedures. Many SHPOs are required by state law to maintain hard copies.

Such referrals may be made through the E system when the Form or has been submitted electronically. The project proponent must engage the SHPO and all consulting parties, including Tribal Nations, about the adverse effect and the potential to mitigate that effect.

To proceed beyond the initial determination of adverse effect, the project proponent must provide the SHPO and all consulting parties with an alternatives analysis or plan that demonstrates that the proposed location is the only feasible location due to engineering requirements. The FCC may review these plans. In addition, the project proponent and the consulting parties should develop appropriate mitigation measures.

Mitigation measures should have a public benefit directly tied to the adverse effect. Payments of cash are not appropriate. Wireless Infrastructure Second Report and Order. The NHPA requires that federal agencies must consult with any federally-recognized Tribal Nation that attaches religious and cultural significant to historic properties affected by an undertaking in carrying out the Section review process.

Uploading the relevant form to the E system will notify Tribal Nations that the materials are ready for review and track the statutorily mandated day review period. Tribal recipients can respond directly to the companies if they have concerns about a proposed construction. In , the ACHP issued a Program Comment to facilitate the deployment of broadband by eliminating duplicative Section reviews for projects regulated by the Commission but funded or otherwise subject to involvement by another federal agency.

Towers that meet certain height and location criteria generally towers more than feet above ground level or located near an airport require notice to the FAA and ASR registration with the FCC.

Part First case is not acceptable because gland is not properly fitted. Page 37 of 77 Horizontal cable tray should be with pendulum-support grouted in PCC blocks. In first picture cable tray support is not groted and cable tray is not fixed properly so it is unacceptable.

Page 38 of 77 3. Switching between EB-DG If battery bank voltage is less than 47volt or HRT is greater then 35 deg. Page 40 of 77 DG Automation Quality check Diesel generator start command and Diesel generator stop pulse Duration mechanism to prevent site from goes down. If site is running on Battery Bank and battery bank voltage goes down below 47volt or home room temperature increase above 35 degree Celsius then after 2 second later power interface unit send first pulse to start diesel generator, if diesel generator starts then site will run on diesel generator.

If diesel generator fail to start after 3 seconds PIU will send second pulse to start Diesel generator. If Diesel generator again fails to start then after 4 seconds later power interface unit will send third pulse to start diesel generator set. If diesel generator start then site will be shifted on DG set, and if diesel generator fails to start then it means there is some fault and Diesel generator Major Fault Alarm will triggered, and BTS will goes down below 44Volt and link will goes down if battery bank voltage goes down below 42 volt.

Quality Check for voltage between neutral and Earth with multimeter :- Voltage check between power interface unit neutral and earth must be less than 5v and it should be checked by multimeter as shown in figure. Page 41 of 77 4. Switch mode power supply Check output voltage and set battery charging current as per requirement Output Voltage :- to - Page 42 of 77 Check float and boost voltage setting.

Grill temperature measuring through clamp meter or temperature sensor. Temperature should be 17 to 20 degree. Page 43 of 77 Site must be free from unwanted inflammable material so that proper cooling must be maintained inside shelter.

No object to be placed in front of AC grill and all unwanted inflammable object has to removed from shelter. As shown below in first picture multiple cable joint and rusted and there is no vent cap so this is not acceptable on the quality parameters.

Page 44 of 77 Per cell voltage should be greater than 1. Readings must be taken by using calibrated clamp on meters and proper protection is required while taking reading on individual cells.

Load based guidelines to be check for equivalent loads. There shall be no bulging and leakage from the battery bank , battery bank terminals must be tightened ,vent caps mounted and tightened and battery terminal cover provided. Battery bank should be upgrade and replaced on required time. Page 45 of 77 7.

Also check the availability and termination of alarm cable at DG and PIU alarm connectors and check the alarm continuity with the help of OME technician and supervisior. Page 46 of 77 Check is there visible leakage of diesel around DG set and is the DG battery in good condition.

There shall be no leakage from DG, if it is there separate container shall be kept to collect the leaking diesel and the DG fuel inlet closed and secured. Battery specifications: 12 V - AH Instrument required: Multimeter with Positive and Negative probes Keep multimeter in DC volts mode after that multi meter positive and negative probes connect with battery positive and negative terminals the voltage of battery will appear on multimeter display as shown in photograph.

Record the voltage on check list. DG fuel inlet must be closed and secured. Page 48 of 77 DG Foundation should be free from cracks. First condition is unacceptable because DG bed foundation is in collapsed condition. In first picture DG set is located in a congested area and no proper access for maintenance is there so this not acceptable according to the quality norms. Page 49 of 77 DG canopy door lock system should be working properly. Page 50 of 77 8. The acceptable limits of neutral to earth voltage are volts.

There should be minimum 2 earth pits and should be maintained properly. Masonry work should not be damaged ,hinged covers provided over earth pits, unwanted materials must not be lying inside earth pits. In kerala 5 earth pits are required as per state govt. According to general practices there should be proper body earthing for pole, tower legs, all electrical equipment, panels, distribution boards, shelter frame and metal support frames e.

Check for proper fixing of all earthing wires to equipment ,visible earthing wires must not be damaged or broken. Page 52 of 77 9.

Also check the refill date and expiry date. In case of BSC sites , a gas based fire suppression system must be in working condition.

The fire and smoke sensor LED must blink at regular interval, in case of AC supply failure; this can be tested by switching off the main supply to the fire alarm panel. Battery back is applicable in case on Non-PIU sites. Page 53 of 77 Emergency contact numbers should be provided at the site and should be updated.

List of emergency contact numbers should be provided in English ,Hindi ,Local language and the date provided when last updated is within 6 months. Numbers should be written in proper format according to quality guidelines.

Leftover materials during deployment and operation and maintenance should not be left at the site. Page 54 of 77 Vegetation should not impact on the safe operation of the site. Unwanted vegetation should be removed from the site. Danger notice should be displayed in English ,Hindi, local languages at the site and maintained in good condition. Standard safety signs like use safety helmet, safety belts, safety shoes should be displayed at the site and should be easily visible.

Page 56 of 77 Tobacco chewing on the site, smoking Alcohol and drugs while working on the site are prohibited. Tower should be maintained free from bee-hives and bird nests. As shown in figure. Keep site clear and free from vegetations and other waste materials. Do not connect open wires without plugs in the sockets. Use safety gloves and insulated tools while working on equipments. Do not overload any power plants and units.

Ensure proper earthing available for all equipments. Do not store inflammable excess material inside shelter and in diesel generator Wear safety belts ,safety gloves, safety harness while working at height. Site keys should not be kept in the site. Check connectivity of all units and wires. Do not wear loose clothing Do enter shelter with safety shoes. Do not use mobile phone while working on the equipments. Check for polarity before connecting electrical equipments. Do sign ,maintain log books carry identification cards while entering and working in site.

Ensure all doors are locked and all lights are switched off and all alarms are in working condition while leaving the site. Page 58 of 77 There should be safe access to the site location. Site should be locked and secure to avoid unauthorised access. BTS, tower , pole access path lighting ,working and should be provide adequate illumination.

No access to the site because of dangerous animals is not lawful excuse. This kind of obstacles must be removed. Site should be proper locked and secure to avoid unauthorized access. The compound and shelter must be locked and perimeter fence designed to discourage access from children. Page 59 of 77 Compound wall ,barbed wire, railing should be maintained in good condition. Page 60 of 77 Standard layout should be used for shelter.

Equipment spacing should be maintained as per the layout. Acees stair to the shelter should be maintained in good condition. Acess stair should be grouted and fixed to the shelters. Page 61 of 77 Shelter should be free of combustible, inflammable materials.

No storage of diesel, paint, boxes, bedding and other combustible items in the shelter. There should be no open holes in the floor ,wall, roof of the shelter.

Ensure that all cable passes are sealed ,check for the marks from water leaks. Page 62 of 77 Base plate should be grouted where not encased in concrete. In first case base plate locknut is missing so it is not acceptable. In second case base plate locknuts are welded or thread are chiselled. Page 63 of 77 Aviation lamp should be fixed on the top of the tower and should be functional. In order to minimize such incidents and bring about efficiencies in the day-to-day Operations, Telecom tower companies evolved the concept of a 'Tower Operations Center'.

The Center also maintains a whole lot of data on the status of the companies towers across the country. Right from the health of the equipment, down to the last service alert, every single piece of information is stored and monitored by a large team of qualified personnel, with the help of sophisticated Software and equipment. For efficient operations, the Towers need to be maintained, serviced, repaired, overhauled and upgraded from time to time.

In order to streamline and simplify the process, all this is managed from a single centralized location that operates 24x7, Called the TOC Tower Operations center. Subsequently, based on the location, nature of the problem, and availability of personnel, the Tickets are forwarded to the concerned technician on his mobile phone. Actions Shares. No notes for slide. Construction of telecommunication towers 1. Design related issues are not in the scope of the study. Issues Vs. Average Schedule of a 15m RTT days duration 29 Average Schedule of a 30m GBT days duration 33 Process Mapping 1.

What is Process Mapping? Why are we applying Process Mapping? How is it useful in this project? There are four major steps of Process Mapping — Process identification — attaining a full understanding of all the steps of a process.

Back 38 Back 39 Area of business being reviewed: Telecom tower construction Trigger Events Process Name Growth of mobile phone users in the country.

Need for better networking and RF Survey hence construction of telecom towers. Survey done to locate the right locations for the tower constructions. Optimal location of tower site for better reach of customers.

The structural stability of the existing structure for RTTs. Safety and protection of tower. Diesel Generator set installation which is the key component of the tower DG set installation construction. Earthing to prevent damage by lighting and electrical works in order to ensure Electrical- Indoor, Outdoor proper functioning of the antennae.


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