Sqlcmd exe sql server 2008 r2

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Stack Gives Back Featured on Meta. It also means that existing osql scripts will continue to work. If neither the -U option or the -P option is specified, sqlcmd tries to connect by using Microsoft Windows Authentication mode.

Authentication is based on the Windows account of the user who is running sqlcmd. If the -U option is used with the -E option described later in this article , an error message is generated.

If the -U option is followed by more than one argument, an error message is generated and the program exits. The codepage number is a numeric value that specifies an installed Windows code page.

If no code pages are specified, sqlcmd will use the current code page for both input and output files, unless the input file is a Unicode file, in which case no conversion is required.

If the -u option has been specified, the output will always be little-endian Unicode. If no output file is specified, the output code page will be the console code page. This approach enables the output to be displayed correctly on the console.

Multiple input files are assumed to be of the same code page. Unicode and non-Unicode input files can be mixed. Multiple files may be specified that will be read and processed in order. Do not use any spaces between file names. If one or more files do not exist, sqlcmd will exit. If the file name is not valid, an error message is generated, and sqlcmd exits.

The file output will be corrupted or incorrect. See the -f switch is also relevant to file formats.

This file will be created if it does not exist. A file of the same name from a prior sqlcmd session will be overwritten. The file specified here is not the stdout file. If a stdout file is specified, this file will not be used. If you do not specify a parameter or if you specify 0 , only error messages that have a severity level of 11 or higher are redirected. Has no effect if you use -o.

By default, messages are sent to stdout. By default, these columns are displayed using the server's regional settings. Query Execution Options -e Writes input scripts to the standard output device stdout. By default, it is set to OFF.

Multiple-semicolon-delimited queries can be executed. Use quotation marks around the query, as shown in the following example. If -b is specified together with this option, sqlcmd exits on error. Enclose the value in quotation marks if the value contains spaces.

If there are errors in any of the values specified, sqlcmd generates an error message and then exits. Formatting Options -h headers Specifies the number of rows to print between the column headings.

The default is to print headings one time for each set of query results. Use -1 to specify that headers not be printed. Any value that is not valid causes sqlcmd to generate an error message and then exit. This parameter preserves column formatting when data is returned.

If 1 is specified, the control characters are replaced by a single space. If 2 is specified, consecutive control characters are replaced by a single space. The default is a blank space. The column separator can be any 8-bit character. The column width must be a number greater than 8 and less than If the specified column width does not fall into that range, sqlcmd generates an error message. The default width is 80 characters. When an output line exceeds the specified column width, it wraps on to the next line.

Use this option together with the -s option when preparing data that is to be exported to another application. Cannot be used with the -y or -Y options. The default is It limits the number of characters that are returned for the large variable length data types:.

UDTs can be of fixed length depending on the implementation. Use the -y 0 option with extreme caution because it may cause serious performance issues on both the server and the network, depending on the size of data returned. The default is 0 unlimited. Limits the number of characters that are returned for the following data types:. If the -V option has been set in addition to -b , sqlcmd will not report an error if the severity level is lower than the values set using -V.

Messages that have a severity level greater than or equal to this level are sent. When this value is set to -1 , all messages including informational messages, are sent. Spaces are not allowed between the -m and For example, -m-1 is valid, and -m -1 is not. This variable has a default of 0. Values that are less than 0 are reported as 0. Thursday, August 9, AM.

It seems that has a security check No, not in a different way then Friday, August 10, AM. It seems that has a security check! Thursday, August 9, PM. SQL itself is running well, the DBs are good - through the other programs which connect to it, but SSMS fails to work and to offer me the login screen. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. It's equivalent to running: sqlcmd. Improve this answer. Bacon Bits Bacon Bits Thank you for clarifying my confusion. I used the cmd and typed sqlcmd and got the error: Login failed for user myLoginName.

This seems to indicates that I don't have any access to the SQL server. What I may be missing here?


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